Asset 5


Dairy Solar Hot Water Systems 

Wilson Hot Water understands the increasing energy costs faced by dairy farmers, with hot water heaters contributing significantly to energy expenses in the dairy shed. That’s why we’ve developed an integrated solar hot water system specifically tailored for the dairy industry. 

Our Dairy Solar Hot Water systems combine high-performance Evacuated Tube technology with a single Wilson tank, perfectly suited to meet the hot water requirements of your dairy farm. 

Recognising the need for a reliable and efficient solution, we’ve designed our solar hot water system to withstand the demanding conditions of a dairy shed. In most setups, our system utilises a single solar preheat tank, saving valuable space while delivering the trusted reliability associated with the Wilson name in the dairy industry. 

At Wilson Hot Water, we’ve integrated the performance of evacuated solar hot water tubes with the proven effectiveness of a copper preheat solar tank. Additionally, we’ve included a robust circulation pump and solar controller, ensuring easy installation and maintenance. 

Benefit from Evacuated Tube technology coupled with a Wilson tank tailored to meet your dairy farm’s hot water heater requirements. Invest in Wilson’s Dairy Solar Hot Water systems to reduce energy costs and enhance efficiency on your dairy farm. 

Solar 1

Solar 2

Solar 3

Solar 4


  • Evacuated Tube Technology
  • High Reliability
  • Year-Round Operation
  • Solar Storage Tank: Copper Cylinder / Painted Steel Case
  • Solar Panels: Evacuated Tube
  • Mounting Frame: Stainless Steel
  • Solar Pump and Controller: Included


Item #WDS600/1WDS600/2WDS800/1WDS1000/2WDS1260/3WDS1500/3
Solar Tank1 x 600 Ltr1 x 600 Ltr1 x 800 Ltr1 x 1000 Ltr1 x 1260 Ltr1 x 1500 Ltr
Solar Panels50 tubes100 tubes100 tubes100 tubes150 tubes150 tubes
Mounting FrameYesYesYesYesYesYes
PumpYes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1
Solar ControllerYes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1
Header TankYes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1Yes / 1

Technical Data

Item #Solar Tank (L)Solar Panels
WDS600/11 x 60050 tubes
WDS600/21 x 600100 tubes
WDS800/11 x 800100 tubes
WDS1000/21 x 1000100 tubes
WDS1260/31 x 1260150 tubes
WDS1500/31 x 1500150 tubes
All products include 1 pump, 1 solar controller and 1 header tank


At Wilson, we offer a range of customisations to meet your specific requirements. Need a larger outlet? We’ve got you covered. Get in touch with us to inquire about the costs for larger outlets tailored to your needs.

Looking for added convenience? Our solenoid valve can be wired to a power point and fitted with a timer, giving you control over when water enters the unit. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to efficiency.

Explore Wilson’s Customised Solutions for tailored products designed just for you. Learn more about how we can meet your unique needs.


Wilson Hot Water Dairy units are sold through the following partners….
