
Australian Made HVAC Products

Wilson HVAC is our newest range of products, manufactured in mild steel, stainless steel and copper. Providing the option for easy customisable tanks.
Wilson HVAC combines our 90 year history of manufacturing stainless steel and copper tanks, to incorporate using mild steel to manufacture heating and cooling products. Such as, water storage “buffer tanks”, air and dirt separators, hydraulic separators, dosing pots, calorifiers, air receivers and more.


Key Features of our Stainless Steel Vessels include:

  • Copper, Stainless steel and Mild Steel
  • Pressure vessels to AS1210
  • Rockwool, Polyurethane, and foil insulation
  • Steel and stainless casing
  • Customised fittings

Product Range

Hot Water Buffer Tanks 

Wilson Hot Water manufactures custom built Stainless Steel or mild steel Gylcol tanks either pressurised or atmospheric storage. These are custom built with connections or inspection points as per your requirements. 

Chilled Water Buffer Tanks

Wilson Chilled Water Buffer Tanks (CWBT) are designed specifically for chilled water systems. Designed and built to AS1210 Pressure Vessel Code, Haz E. These heavy duty commercial stainless steel vessels are available in options of polyurethane or polystyrene, foil coated, vapour sealed insulation to comply to Section J of BCA code.

Steam Water Feed Tanks 

Our Steam (Boiler) Water Feed tanks use Grade 2205 stainless steel. Using high grade Duplex 2205 stainless steel means chemicals can be directed straight to the steam boiler feed water line which reduces the requirement to treat the feedwater in the tank, saving on chemicals.


Wilson manufacture calorifiers or storage vessels with removable heat exchanges manufactured to AS1210 for commercial & industrial applications. Mild steel or Duplex grade stainless steel, Wilson calorifiers are designed to support your heat exchange specifications.

Hydraulic Separators 

Our stainless steel hydraulic separators are compact and economical. The Wilson separator allows fast and efficient installation of primary/secondary piping for many different boilers. Installing this unique hydraulic separator offers additional advantages in the removal of unwanted air and dirt particles.

Chemical Dosing Pots

Specifications below are based on grade 304 stainless steel and stainless steel overflow. All other sizes are made to order. All sizes made to order in grade 316 stainless steel. Higher pressure ratings are available.

Air Receivers

Wilson Hot Water custom build stainless steel air receivers to AS1210 – construction of unfired pressure vessels, which has been incorporated into many federal, state, and local laws. Standard receivers are designed for horizontal or vertical mounting.